Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shaping Colonial America Essay - 887 Words

Many different things affected the shaping of colonial America in the new world. Factors such as colonialism, geography, and religion affected the way North America was formed and dictated how other people look at colonial America. Colonialism affected America’s demographic and also the ease of forming colonies in the new world. Geography also played a roll in shaping the identity of America. Geography affected where people settled based on the layout of rivers, ocean, and waterways. People also settled in places where they could grow crops. Geography also attracted colonists. Finally, religion affected the forming of colonial America. People were driven from England because of religion. Also, religion affected where people settled down.†¦show more content†¦Boston, which at that time was called Shawmut, was settled on a peninsula that jutted out into the bay. People also settled along water for military reasons. Take for example, Jamestown, Virginia, which was settle d some 60 miles up the James River, on a peninsula. Here there was a good view up and down the river, which made it easy to defend attacks by land or water. New Amsterdam, which is present day New York, was another colony that settled on the waterfront for military reasons. New Amsterdam settled on a island, which is present day Manhattan, with a good view in all directions. This made it easy to defend. Even more colonies were settled along water in colonial America. In the 17th century, several European countries founded settlements along the St. Lawrence River. The waterways were also a major reason why France and England originally came to North America. Two dreams originally attracted France and England to North America; kingdoms rich with gold, and a water route to Asia. All in all, rivers and oceans played a major role in the settling of America. Without them, the United States would look much different today. The ability to grow crops also helped shape the identity of America. The crops in America were able to feed large numbers of people, which attracted colonists. (Eventually, these crops were introduced worldwide, which was part of the reason the world’s population quadrupled in the next three hundred years.)Show MoreRelatedOver The Years Many Historians Have Just Glazed Over The1237 Words   |  5 PagesOver the years many historians have just glazed over the African’s role in the settlement and shaping of the colonial era of America. The Africans are usually only identified as the primary enslaved labor force used to settle the colonies, but not much more is said about the details of how the Africans shaped the colonies. Many individuals only read or hear about major events such as the Stono Rebellion, when the first slaves arrived, or how slaves were treated. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Mahmut Sait Free Essays

Mahmut Sait Arslan 04 January 2013 The Role Of Religion in A Secular Society According to secularization theory, as societies become more modernized and rationalized, religion will gradually lose it’s authority in social life and governance(Norris Inglehart, 2004, p. 4). Modernization did â€Å"undermined† lots of accepted beliefs(Holloway, 2011, para. We will write a custom essay sample on Mahmut Sait or any similar topic only for you Order Now 7). But, by contrast with secularization thesis, there is no significant diminution in people’s religious demands(Kuru, 2011, p. 4). Appearently, not all modernized societies call themselves as â€Å"secular† and not every secular state can completely ignore religion. In this work, I’m going to inspect secular societies and question how religion can take part in their governance, concerning American, French and Turkish examples. Historically, American’s and French have seperated the church and state for different reasons. The establishment of secular state in America was a result of a compromise between rationalists and evangelists. These groups have agreed on the secular state for different reasons. Thomas Jefferson, one of the America’s Founding Fathers, had foreseen that the secular state would lead to the â€Å"freedom and triumph of the reason†. Oppositely, a famous Evangelist, Isaac Backus had believed that secular state would provide the spread of the religion(Kuru, 2011, p. 84). Because in America’s early years, none of the Protestant churches could provide the majority that is necessary to be legitimized as the official church. So, as the second best choice, they accepted the state to be secular(Kuru, 2011, p. 86). The secularization of the France is rooted in the ideas of Enlightenment. Philosophers of Enlightenment was trying to replace dogmatic values with rational and humanistic ones(Wikipedia, 2009). After the French Revolution, with the abolition of monarchy, the close relation between the French State and Catholic Church finished. According to Tocqueville, Christianity was the object of aggression not as a religion but as a political establishment. This was because of the cooperation between the monarch and the Church before the revolution(Kuru, 2011, p. 142). The different reasons led to different results in these countries. From the beginning of the 19th century, evangelists have strenghtened the socio-cultural hegomony of the Protestant college. Casanova, 1994, p. 137) Christianism was, in public sense, accepted as semiofficial religion of the U. S. It was also, accepted as a part of the state’s civil law(Kuru, 2011, p. 88). Even Supreme Court of U. S have acknowledged the U. S nation as a Christian nation(Kuru, 2011, p. 91). In this period, state was not neutral against all religions, but neutral amongst Protestant sects. Up till now, there has been ideological confl icts between rationalists and conservative people about the religion. There have been exclusivist and compromiser interpretations of the secularism. But generally, it hadn’t been understood as hostility against religion. In America, churches are relieved from state’s effect, wheras in France the state is relieved from the Church’s effect. A radical interpretation of secularism which advocates the seperation of not just state and church, but of all kind of values like moral and human values, is hegemonic in France. In other words, eliminating the religion from public life and confining it with the soul of human. Some people even exceed it to create a â€Å"religion of humanity†(Holloway, 2008, para. 12). But, there have been lots of significant deviations from the ideology because of Catholic roots of French public and opposing ideological attempts. French government could easily ignore the religious demands of minorities like Muslims and Jewish. But they pay much attention to the demands of Catholics who form the majority. At the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, Turkey had to quote the Swiss Civil Law because when they tried to make their own law, commission members couldn’t liberate themselves from their religious beliefs(Oguzman Barlas, 2012, p. 27). But even when quoting they had to make some modifications according to Turkish culture. This was made in the name of being secular and neutral against all beliefs. Putting the history aside, I want to examine the impact of religious law in secular societies’ law system. Human made laws are inspired by lots of different sources like ethics, religion, philosophy, convenances, other law systems etc. These rules have some commonalities because they’re all aimed to establish the ideal society. Concerning this, secular legislatives should concern every law system and utilize them. For example, marriage is, in religious world, concerned as a religious practice. For secular people this mean nothing. But, if we take human nature into the account, inexistence of the institution of marriage could be a threat to the mental and physical health of the progenies(Oktem Turkbag, 1999, p. 209). So, the legislatives may foresee a religious institution like marriage as necessary for secular reasons. The implementation of the secular law in Turkey has caused many problems because there were some rules which were opposite to the belief and perception of majority of the public like prohibiting headscarves. Ordering a believer not to do what they believe is like ordering somebody to jump off a cliff. Because they’re sure that they will be rewarded or punished according to their loyalty to their beliefs. The secularization thesis promise to be neutral against all religions. But applicating the inhibition of a religious obligation to all members of the society equally, is like prohibiting to sleep under the arch of a bridge for both rich and poor people equally(Kuru, 2011, p. 108). The acceptance of secularism as being neutral, and religiousity as differantiality makes secularists more advantagous. To eliminate unequality, chaos and tension states should pay more attention on public demands and trends. Compared to French and Turkish history, there were less religious related slaughters in American history. Without renouncing secularism, Americans could identify themselves as religious. They used secularism not as a tool to restrict and transform the public, but to ensure the freedom of different groups within the society. To be able to equal aginst every belief, each belief system should be approached equally. Like Islam or Christianity, secular people should be concerned as believers, believers of secularism. References Age of Enlightenment. (2009). In  Wikipedia. Retrieved january 4, 2013, from en. wikipedia. org Casanova, J. (1994). Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Holloway, D. , (2008). The Secular State and The Oxford Union. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from http://www. church. org. uk/resources/csdetail. asp? csdate=01/02/2008 –(2011). A Judge, Secularism, Pluralism and Fundamentalism. Retrieved January 04, 2013, from http://www. church. org. uk/resources/csdetail. asp? csdate=01/03/2011 Kuru, A. (2011). Pasif ve D? slay? c? Laiklik: ABD, Fransa ve Turkiye. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yay? nlar?. Norris, P. Inglehart, R. (2004). Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide. New York: Cambridge University Press. Oguzman, M. K. Barlas, N. (2012). Medeni Hukuk. Istanbul: Vedat Kitapc? l? k. Oktem, N. Turkbag, A. U. , (1999). Felsefe, Sosyoloji, Hukuk ve Devlet. Istanbul: Der Yay? nlar?. How to cite Mahmut Sait, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Effect Of Public Opinion Essay Research free essay sample

The Effect Of Public Opinion Essay, Research Paper Public sentiment is one of the major concerns of each politician. The polls, which are taken on the sample from population, are dependable beginnings of people # 8217 ; s sentiments. Our private point of position may be shared by many others and so if this is noticed by politicians they should be cognizant of that. They can utilize it for their ain intents like constructing a political platform with the aid from the polls information, or disregard it with the danger that it may someday turn against them.The people # 8217 ; s reaction on recent events is besides tested in public sentiment polls. The politicians examine them really carefully because it is, every bit good as election, sort of a scaling system demoing elector # 8217 ; s attitudes towards specific issues. Most of the people from New York City noticed the rise of police ferociousness ( despite official # 8217 ; s attempts to cover it ) , which ended up with incidents like the violent death of the unarmed adult male by four constabulary officers. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect Of Public Opinion Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Politicians have to be cognizant of people # 8217 ; s feelings about this instance. Although there was non any existent reform in the constabulary section, in the coming election this will go one of the major issues. If person wants to be elected he will show his manner of covering with this job. Right now it may look that this killing did non do any general alterations, but in my sentiment, the New York # 8217 ; s public realized that something must be changed in the NYPD. Even though there is nil traveling on now, people will retrieve to the following election that their campaigners must come out with declarations for constabulary ferociousness. The impact O f public sentiment ( shown in the polls ) made politicians cognizant that something must be done. Peoples believe that if they want more safety they might hold instances with some misdemeanors of civil rights. The city manager promised that he would be able to maintain a balance between those two poles. Recent polls are stating that this is non working. There were excessively many incidences with the constabulary mistreating their rights. Public sentiment wants alterations in the plans of maintaining the offense low. And it will be done because of the impact of public sentiment on political life. Politicians do non ever do what the polls tell them. Sometimes people change their attitudes and there are ways to make that. In the last election to the Congress, even though polls showed that people are no longer interesting in the president # 8217 ; s matter, republicans decided to foreground this instance in their run. To alter people attitudes they made Television commercials demoing a lying president. It was excessively much for the electors, already tired with all that was traveling on in this instance. These commercials were republican # 8217 ; s the biggest error during the run. They lost ballots because public sentiment decided that it does non desire to be shown any more # 8220 ; soil # 8221 ; . This is an illustration of misjugement of public sentiment and the consequences were a loss of ballots. Politicians may or may non follow people # 8217 ; s attitudes shown in polls but they are under our control all the clip, and sooner or later they must make what the bulk wa nts or they will lost the election. This is the biggest influence of public sentiment ; it shapes all political life. Rafal Szczurowski

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Truearth Case Analysis free essay sample

Competitors began offering similar products in 2008 which cause the growth to slow. * Some of their competitors are Nestle and Kraft. * The do not make a rash decision. The success of Cucina Fresca was a calculated risk based on significant research. The company only uses high-quality durum wheat and mostly organic ingredients. * The company further raised consumer awareness through several promotional programs, using coupons, magazine advertisements, and in-store demonstrations. * Idea generation. As the company grew, the idea generation process became a more systematic evaluation of consumer trends, with formal management brainstorming sessions. * Three important developments reshaped how consumers purchased groceries. The first important trend was a new, loosely defined food category in the United States— â€Å"home meal replacement† (HMR). An increase in dual-income households had led to higher disposable incomes coupled with â€Å"time poverty,† as both workers found themselves lacking the time to cook a meal and clean up afterward. Further, consumers had tired of unhealthy carryout and fast food and started seeking greater variety and freshness. We will write a custom essay sample on Truearth Case Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Supermarkets began meeting HMR needs by enhancing their fresh, prepared food offerings. * There was no fresh whole grain pasta with broad distribution, with 85% of those in favour of the concept having never purchased it before. In an attempt to retain our leadership position and extend our product line, we have invested in the development of a new whole grain pizza. We must decide whether to launch our pizza offering. Our decision must take into consideration that the new product’s wholesales volume estimates must exceed $12 million to meet our return requirements. The decision-making process is time sensitive because one of our competitors, Rigazzi Brands, has already tested a whole grain pizza concept and is not far from introduction. Given these factors, we can either debut or suspend the product. Based on sales volume estimates and situation analysis, I recommend that the company launch the pizza. The introduction will result in a wholesales volume that exceeds our return requirements and these additional funds can be reinvested into the firm. Option I: Launch Whole Grain Pizza Product The launch of a whole grain pizza kit will capitalize on the same consumer trends that prompted the release of Cucina Fresca: growing demand for quick, customizable home meal replacements that are refrigerated and available in tasty, whole grain options. Also, pizza is a core component of the Italian-American food category that we cannot ignore because it is frequently purchased by customers on a monthly basis. Our whole grain pizza product resolves the time- and health-related concerns of American consumers in one of their favorite dishes (see Exhibit 1: SWOT Analysis for Whole Grain Pizza Product). The growing demand for a whole grain crust has been addressed by local pizzerias and take-out franchises, but not in the store-bought refrigerated pizza market. The immediate release of the pizza kit would allow us to penetrate this market before Rigazzi and benefit from first mover advantages. As a result, our 1st year wholesale volume estimates would exceed our return requirements by approximately $4. 5 million (see Exhibit 2: Whole Grain Pizza Concept Purchase Volume Estimate, Year 1 [Excellent]). The excess returns can be reinvested into the firm and used to expand our manufacturing facilities or further extend our product line. If the pizza kit is launched, the firm must consider the potential consequences. We must assess the impact it will have on Cucina Fresca’s success and production, as well as the TruEarth image if the product flops (see Exhibit 1: SWOT Analysis for Whole Grain Pizza Product). Likewise, we must review the potential consequences if the wholesale volume estimate is calculated using the percentage repurchases when the product is perceived to be of mediocre or average quality (see Exhibit 3: Whole Grain Pizza Concept Purchase Volume Estimate, Year 1 [Mediocre, Average]. Option II: Do Not Launch Whole Grain Pizza Product The competitive environment of the pizza market and quality-related issues discovered in the BASES studies indicate that the whole grain pizza product should not be launched. Although the market generates high sales, it is extremely crowded and dominated by powerful players like Kraft and Nestle. Furthermore, the ability to market a tasty whole-grain pizza crust and communicate its benefits will be difficult because the American public perceives whole grains to be less appetizing than white flour. Attempting to change consumer preferences is timely and costly. By foregoing the release of the pizza kit, the company can focus solely on Cucina Fresca. The operating facilities will not have to worry about manufacturing two different product lines and our distribution infrastructure will not be overworked (see Exhibit 1: SWOT Analysis for Whole Grain Pizza Product). Likewise, our marketing team could concentrate on attempting to revive the pasta meals. This product has proven to be successful at one time. Investing all of our resources into the pizza product could be both disastrous and expensive considering we have no experience in this market category. However, by shelving the pizza, an opportunity is lost because our company would be ignoring the needs of a potentially profitable market. The health-conscious trend is not going away and our firm needs to expand our product line in order to retain our leadership as a gourmet, healthy alternative. Recommendation At this time, our company would benefit the most by launching the new whole grain pizza product. By not launching the pizza kit, our investments and time can be focused on expanding the pasta line and retooling the marketing campaign to improve sales; however, in order to diversify the TruEarth brand name, innovation is needed. Although the pasta market may seem safe, we must venture into new categories in order to raise brand awareness, seek new customers, and increase our profits. Exhibit 1: SWOT Analysis for Whole Grain Pizza Product Strengths| Weaknesses| Highly selective about ingredients * Existing infrastructure for coupons, magazine advertisements, in-store demonstrations * Existing formal 4-step process for research and development * Incremental investment for pizza less than pasta.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Rise of Women essays

The Rise of Women essays Many men in the present and most, if not all, in the past have considered themselves of obvious higher caliber and as the undisputed dominant role over women. Yet in the midst of the 21st century, we are very much reminded every day of the radical change that occurred merely within the last two centuries. In the course of this time, women were led, due to key feminist individuals, from the stereotypes of the home-maker to a much stronger and independent sex. Through the historical struggle in which women have faced in the past by persecution and insolence, women have fought for small rights that have led to a social revolution, which has furthermore resulted in benefiting the western world immensely. Other parts of the world, due to lack of freedom of speech, are still in the process of fighting the old customs and laws which are most definitely holding many nations back socially and economically. By examining the historical events in which women had struggled in the past, and speci fying the key events in the mid-late 1800s and throughout 1900s, we can moreover make a confident prediction of the bright future that is laid upon for future female generations. There was a time when both men and women were responsible for the well being of their families, on the same sort of level. The men were the hunters and the women also gathered food, such as beetles, nuts and roots. The womans role of collecting edibles may not seem very significant, but when the men came home empty handed, their families had to depend on what the woman collected for their meals. The women who gathered the food bore the lions share of responsibility to keep the tribe fed. This was a good time for women because they pulled an equal weight with their spouses. The reason for their equality is based on the fact that the families were trying to survive, and there was no such thing as education and owning property to set the sexes apa...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Word Choice Which vs. Witch - Proofeds Writing Tips

Word Choice Which vs. Witch - Proofeds Writing Tips Word Choice: Which vs. Witch There are up to a million words in the English language. We probably shouldn’t be surprised, then, that some of these words sound similar to one another, such as â€Å"which† and â€Å"witch.† But although â€Å"which† and â€Å"witch† sound alike, they have very different meanings. So to avoid errors in your written work, check out our guide below on how they should be used! Which (Relative Pronoun and Asking Questions) In American English, â€Å"which† is mainly used when introducing a non-restrictive relative clause. This is a clause given after a comma to add extra information about something. For example: I’m going to the see the movie, which my brother directed. Here, â€Å"which† introduces a clause that provides extra information about the movie (i.e., that my brother directed it). Be careful only to use â€Å"which† with non-restrictive clauses, as â€Å"that† is typically used for restrictive clauses (i.e., clauses that help identify something) in American English. Another use of â€Å"which† is to ask questions. In particular, we use it to ask for information that specifies one or more people or things from a group or collection. For instance: Which movie are you going to see today? In this case, we’re asking which among all of the movies currently showing someone is going to see. Witch (Woman with Magic Powers) Traditionally, a â€Å"witch† was a woman thought to have magic powers. The standard image we have of a witch these days, for instance, is an evil old woman with a pointy hat and a broomstick: My daughter dressed up as a witch for trick-or-treating last year. Most people don’t believe in â€Å"evil† witches anymore. However, there are some who follow the Wicca religion who refer to themselves as â€Å"witches.† They don’t all wear pointy hats, though. Please refrain from Salem-like panic if there is a Wiccan in your neighborhood. Which or Witch? These words are very different in practice, so it is important not to mix them up! One way to tell them apart is to think of â€Å"which† as a question word. This can help because it starts with â€Å"wh-,† just like other words we use to ask questions, such as â€Å"what,† â€Å"why† and â€Å"where.† Even if you are introducing a relative clause, this technique can still remind you which word is correct. â€Å"Witch,† meanwhile, typically refers to a female magic user. Remember: Which = Relative pronoun or asking questions Witch = Woman with magic powers

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Risk Management in Brewin Dolphin Holdings Plc Essay

Risk Management in Brewin Dolphin Holdings Plc - Essay Example The object of analysis for the purpose of this assignment is Brewin Dolphin Holding PLC (BDH), a company that offers investment services to its client. The industry in which the company operates is the financial services. Brewin Dolphin Holding offers private investment advice to its richly diverse customers. The company operates in the following markets: England, Wales and the Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Bell Lawrie, Wise Speke in the North of England, and Hill Osborne in the East Midlands. This shows the extent of local market coverage by the Brewin Dolphin plc. BDH operates several subsidiaries which are wholly owned. The subsidiaries include Brewin Nominees Limited, North Castle Street (Nominee) Limited, and Brewin Dolphin Limited (that manages investments). In the recent past, the company formulated and implemented a new strategy that boosted the transformation rate of the services offered and increased the overall growth rate. The company operations are divided into two segments such as the investment management and corporate advisory and broking. Under the investment management segment, the following are the investment management advisory services provided by the company: pensions (including self-invested Pension plans), inheritance tax relief, ISAs and other tax-efficient investments, and international investment portfolios. Under the Corporate advisory and broking segment, the following activities are undertaken: market research, trading and sales services, and activities involving merger and acquisitions, debt advisory services among others. There is an increase in the demand for personal financial management advisory services. Thus, there is an anticipation of future growth in the market. The driving force behind the increase in demand is the increasing rate at which the society strives to become financially independent. In the United Kingdom alone, two million individuals were estimated to own liquid assets in excess of  £ 100,000 by the end of the year 2012. By that time, only  £ 548 billion of the funds were under the management of wealth management companies in the UK. Out of the eleven wealth management companies, Brewin Dolphin managed 15% of the total funds, giving a market share of 15%.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Types of Jobs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Types of Jobs - Essay Example The concept of joint venture in businesses is getting very popular because it allows an individual to share the expenses of running the business with other individuals with investments, though the profit is also shared in accordance with the percentage of investment. A businessman’s job is to supervise things. A businessman either takes contracts or does his/her own work with the personal investment. To get the work done, the businessman has to recruit a workforce and fulfill such legal obligations as insurance of work and workers’ compensation. There is no limit to what a businessman can earn. In fact, the business may also end up in loss incurring the businessman a lot of money after all the effort he/she may have put in. A biologist is a scientist that studies organisms to produce results of biological significance. The fundamental objective of a biologist is to determine the impact of environment upon organisms and of organisms upon environment. The field evolved as more research was done to see how organisms function. The job of a biologist that does applied research is to find out innovative treatments and cures for medical conditions. Some biologists supervise the research and coordinate things among the parties involved, thus playing the role of a manager in the process. The US Government Bureau of Labor Statistics tells that the annual salary of a biologist on average is nearly $57000 (â€Å"Biologist Salary†). A computer programmer’s work is to develop programs that can be applied for enhancing the efficiency of a business. A host of languages including Visual Basic and C are used by the computer programmer to develop softwares for particular works. The computer programmer develops and controls pages. Popular languages of web programming are Ruby and Python. A computer programmer has to abide by strict deadlines and he/she has to deal with a lot of pressure. â€Å"A computer programmers

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Consequences of Colonization Essay Example for Free

The Consequences of Colonization Essay Dr Clionadh Raleigh Human Geography. GG1023. Name: Louise Schriek Student ID: 11759835 Extension Granted for ad misericordiam reasons (Due on the 18/04/2012, Handed 26/04/2012). Word count: 1500 (excluding bibliography). Title : The consequences of colonization: an interpretation regarding the nature and causes of the ongoing issues around nationalism, ethnicity and stately power in sub-Saharan Africa since decolonization. Colonial occupation and the manner in which independence was gained and free states were organized may be a possible explanation for the matters of contention revolving around ethnicity, nationalism, and states in Sub-Saharan Africa to this day. A first part will expose the reasons for multiple ethnicities being situated in the same territory, and contrast it with the mainly mono-ethnic governments. A second part will deal with the consequences of this colonial inherited and induced system, holding that the nature of most sub-Saharan African states and their relations to the nations encompassed within their territories does not necessarily lead to secession, violence or power-contestations, but may partly account for the problems faced by these countries. Many of the territorial boundaries in Africa today have not changed since their definition by colonizers at the Berlin Conference (1884-1885); native societal systems were barely taken into account, the emphasis having been on the maximization of territory and resources (p93, Cole 2007). The individual colonial institutions and territories formed the inescapable frame that African nationalists had to confront and operate within to effectively challenge colonial occupation (p11, Young 2004). Mobilizations against the colonial states thus had to identify to and mobilize through the territory and populations imprisoned by this state, and thus colonial boundaries were kept as models for the new rising civic nationstates. The hyphenation of nation and state embodied ideological requirements to be impersonated to legitimize a discourse of independence in the eyes of European powers (p164, Hutchinson 2004). All groups encompassed in one delimited colonial territory thus needed to be presented as one nation claiming its rights to selfdetermination and due national territory, through a demotic form of  nationalism (Preface, E. K. Francis 1968) with respect to the specific colonial power occupying it. As Robert Stock explains, much of the weakness in African political institutions can be traced back to the colonial period, especially to the transition of political powers with the gain of independence (p136, Stock 2004). The governments put into place were composed by an African elite highly influenced by western values and ideologies, having benefited of colonial education (p70, Potter 2008). Elections were impacted and controlled by the colonial powers efforts to set up governments (p7, Saha 2010) that would not seriously challenge the interests of the metropole (p136, Stock 2004), hereby staying implicitly imperialist to keep economical advantages, to not be challenged politically, to impose their political ideologies on these rising free states, and to keep an upper hand on the exploitation and trade of resources in the globalizing economy. The new African governments were thus closely correlated with the previous colonizing powers, and were not necessarily a reflection of the people and nations within these states, of their desires and interests, but rather of that of a designated elite monopolizing the power in its own interest. Autonomy itself came from a popular strive of Africans, and vast independence movements fighting for political and economical freedom, encompassed in the continent-wide Pan-Africa ethnic phenomenon as a unitary reaction to colonization (p106, Cole 2007). But the consequent autonomous states set up did thus not rise from   a common will of the people, but of westernized decisions and a certain disguised continuation of the society model set up during the colonial era; The struggle for African autonomy and the creation of the independent states lacked substantial connection, as it seems that the first did not give birth to the second. It is thus not surprising that in general Sub-Saharan African States do not identify to the nations they were attributed or feel a strong duty of promoting the entirety of their citizens interests, and vice versa. Moreover, it seems that the elite holding political power will have a stronger connection to their own ethnic-nation than to the whole of the population in their territory (p235, Saha 2010). The importance of the  ethnic-factor in the process of nation-building is argued by such figures as Anthony Smith or Walker Connor to be of fundamental importance (p5, Young 2004). Ethnic belonging seems to be a fundament of the current African societal model. This may be traced back to the fact that the civic form of nationalism bringing all ethnic nations of one state together had by no means been pursued by colonial rulers, hereby facilitating control of populations and minimizing the amplitude of possible nationalistic protest. Most African Governments are constituted by one political party that will promote the interests of this one ethnicity, and be supported by it. These Uni-party governments are an inherent part of the system installed by the colonizing powers. A possible interpretation is as that of a vicious circle. The first governments of the new states at independence were mainly representative of only one of the ethnicities comprised in the state. Valuing this fraction of their states population that they shared ethno-national belonging with induced the growing loss of identification and trust of other ethnicities and of their sense of citizenship and belonging to the state as an inherent part of its nation. Support thus declined, the state responded by growingly disregarding these often numerous nations peripheral to their system, whom in turn in this opposition may aspire to overthrow the group in power, to defend their interests and gain recognition . Complications seem to derive from the probl ematic mono-ethnic governmental institutions holding stately power. This, amongst other factors, may be a cause for corruption and violence in SubSaharan Countries. It seems that The peripheral ethnicities subjugate themselves to the state, not by motive of civic nationalism and positive support, but by lack of means of contestation and politicization, by bribery as they are payed off or compensated (the least possible) for their passivity, through repression by violence, or elimination by mass murder. Various ethnic nations being encompassed in the same state thus usually seems to not lead to the secession of African states. Instead it leads to the fight over the monopoly of state-power between the various ethnic groups concerned (p240 Saha 2010). The state, due to its mono-party and mono-ethnic  constitution, only represents a fraction of the citizens that the officially homogenizing civic nation-state, indeed exhibiting national symbols, hymns, history etc (p443, Dirlik 2002) is supposed to take into account. Substantial civic-nationalism and equal treatment of the whole population on its territory, through the distribution of power and wealth, is not reflected. In fact, very few ethno-nationalist socio-political movements in Sub-Saharan Africa have made intractable demands to form their own ethnic states (p5, Saha 2010). Many movements, such as the Sudans Peoples Liberation Movement or the Oromo Liberation Front in Ethiopia do not consider secessions as the solution to their ethnic issues (p5, Saha 2010). These movements are rather looking for better recognition from the political elite, and for a better politico-economic position. It seems thus that ignored ethnicities, or the peoples nations on the social margins (p6, Young 2004), aspire more to a civic type of nationalism in the states that encomprise them, rather than to the creation of their own ethno-nationalist state, the latter, due to past and present situations, appearing to not be the key to development and stability. Ethnicity is thus an issue in state-politics. Ethnic divisions are very much observable in economic and political hierarchies, and this poses a problem for democratization and civic-nationalism which should be the prominent form of nationalism manifestations in most African countries south of the Sahara due to their multi-ethnic nature. Monopoly of the state by one ethnicity also holds as consequence the latters ample control of natural resources, which are of major importance in the developing countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, whose economies depend largely on the exploitation of primary resources. Contemporary nationalism advocates the fragmentation of   the states resources monopoly amongst its citizens (p22, Guiberneau 1999), which is rarely the case in Sub-Saharan Africa. It may be suggested that internal contestations of power and overthrowal- attempts of one ethnic group by another happen to gain access to the resources and wealth that the large national territories that each state rules over comprise. Added to  this is the large amount of development aid that governments gain access to, but that seems to mostly disappear amongst the elite and be used to secure its power-monopoly through bribery, financing violent repressions, and corruption of the populations that are not of the system supporting the party in power(p62, Orijako 2001). The access to this wealth may thus also be an incentive for intra-state tensions. Ethnic differences within nations do not seem to be the reason for intra-state conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa. But they still make the situation of these states problematic. One possible interpretation is thus that it is the mono-ethnic nature of most subSaharan African governments causes intra-state tensions. The cause of this may be traced back to the political, economic, social and territorial structuring imposed by colonial powers during colonial occupation, and generated by the way independence was gained, that is, through the colonial system, and influenced by colonial interests. Bibliography: . Montserrat Guibernau and John Hutchinson (2001), Understanding Nationalism, Polity Press, Great Britain. (Library 320.54 ). . Robert B. Potter, Tony Binns, Jennifer A. Elliot, David Smith (2008- Third Edition), Geographies of Development- An Introduction to Development Studies, Pearson Education Limited, UK. . M. Crawford Young (12/07/2004), Revisiting Nationalism and Ethnicity in Africa, James S. Coleman African Studies Center, UCLA, (Academic article, http://escholarship.org/uc/item/28h0r4sr ). . Arif Dirlik (2002), Rethinking Colonialism- Globalizatio, Postcolonialism, and the Nation, University of Oregon,The International of Postcolonial Studies, RoutledgeTaylor and Francis Group, USA. (Academic Article) . Robert Stock (2004), Africa South of the Sahara- A Geographical Interpretation (Second Edition), The Guilford Press, USA. . Santosh C. Saha (Mar 01, 2010), Sub-Saharan Ethnic Attachment And Civil Conflict: A Methodological Approach To State-Building And Ethnicity. Journal of Third World Studies; Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 235-251 (Academic Article). tcd library- EBSCO. . Roy Cole and H.J. De Blij (2007), Survey of Subsaharan Africa- a Regional Geography, Oxford University Press, USA. . E. K. Francis (1968), The Ethnic Factor in Nation-Building, University of North Carolina Press, USA. (Oxford Journals, Academic Article, http://sf.oxfordjournals.org/ content/46/3/338.short ). . Humphrey Orijako (2001), Killing Sub-Saharan Africa with Aid, Nova Science Publishers, USA.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Comparison of Pride in King Lear and The Duchess of Malfi Essay

The Sin of Pride Exposed in King Lear, and The Duchess of Malfi  Ã‚   In this brief monograph, we shall be hunting down and examining various creatures from the bestiary of Medieval/Renaissance thought. Among these are the fierce lion of imperious, egotistical power, a pair of fantastic peacocks, one of vanity, one of preening social status, and the docile lamb of humility. The lion and the peacocks are of the species known as pride, while the lamb is of an entirely different, in fact antithetical race, that of humility and forgiveness. The textual regions we shall be exploring include the diverse expanses, from palace to heath, of William Shakespeare, the dark, sinister Italy of John Webster, and the perfumed lady's chambers of Ben Jonson and Robert Herrick. The tragic hero of Shakespeare's King Lear is brought down, like all tragic heroes, by one fatal flaw, in this case pride, as well as pride's sister, folly. It is the King's egotistical demand for total love and, what's more, protestations of such from the daughter who loves him most, that set the stage for his downfall, as well as calling to the minds of the Elizabethan audience of Shakespeare's day the above-cited biblical edict. This daughter, Cordelia, can be seen as the humble lamb mentioned earlier, and her love and filial devotion go not only beyond that of her sisters (which is nil) but beyond words, thus enraging the proud king whose subsequent petulant rebukes extend to a bit of ironic Freudian projection: "Let pride, which she calls plainness, marry her" (I.i.125). Here, Shakespeare is emphasizing Lear's pride by having him indulge in the common tendency of despising in others (and in this case wrongly) what one is most guilty of oneself. Lear's rash pride ... ...in which it is supposed to have been written for a certain Lady Haughty, a name indicative of not a little touch of pride, pardon my litotes. So, to sum up, we have captured, examined, and tagged our various creatures of pride, and it is now time to set them free once more, to run wild over the four corners of the earth. The lions will devour all in their path with arrogant derision; the peacocks will peck and claw at one another as they jockey for position in their petty social circles, all the while pouting and preening, painting feathers on their feathers; and the lambs will go on being slaughtered in their docility, uttering never a scornful word, so that we may have lamb chops with mint jelly at Ruth's Chris with our beautiful, precisely made-up girl friends. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Five Myths about Immigration Essay

Author David Cole explains in â€Å"Five Myths about Immigration† that people are misinformed about immigrants in America and blame them for all the problems in the American society. Cole comments that the â€Å"Native Americans†, which have nothing to do with what we call Native Americans today, were labeled as â€Å"Know-Nothings† because they simply did not know anything about immigrants and prejudged immigrants who came into the country. The author quotes one â€Å"Know-Nothing† for saying that â€Å"more than half the prisons and almshouses, more than half the police and the cost of administering criminal justice are for foreigners.† In the 1860s, immigrants arrived from Ireland and Germany causing â€Å"anti-alien and anti-Catholic sentiments† to appear in states such as Massachusetts and New York. Cole takes this topic to heart because his ancestors were among the â€Å"dirt-poor Irish-Catholics† who moved to America in the 1960s but were fortunate because after fifteen years the prejudice faded away. Now, 140 years later, the author points out that a similar prejudice has returned with the exception that the focus has changed from â€Å"Irish Catholics and Germans† to â€Å"Latin Americans (most recently, Cubans), Haitians, and Arab-Americans.† Cole explains how five commonly held beliefs regarding immigrants to the United States, are in reality â€Å"myths.† Cole’s first misunderstanding â€Å"myth† is that â€Å"America is being overrun with immigrants.† America is a â€Å"nation of immigrants†, which has been true since Christopher Columbus landed in this country. Although most Americans believe that foreign-born people make up a large population of the United States, Cole notes that only eight percent of immigrants fall in this category. In fact, â€Å"between seventy and eighty percent† of those who immigrate each year are â€Å"refugees and immediate relatives of U.S. citizens.† In addition, immigrants living in the United States only make up one percent of the country’s population. â€Å"Most aliens do not cross the border illegally,† emphasizes Cole, â€Å"but enter legally and remain after their student of visitor visa expires.† Cole’s second â€Å"myth† is a misjudgment that â€Å"Immigrants take jobs from U.S. citizens.† This is a common misunderstanding Americans have about immigrants. It is easier for a person to point out that jobs are being taken away from U.S. citizens, Cole argues, than to admit that immigrants have  indeed started successful business employing both citizens and immigrants alike. As documented by a 1994 A.C.L.U Immigrants’ Rights Project report, various studies prove that immigrants â€Å"create more jobs than they fill.† Cole mentions a study that found 78,000 new jobs were created in the Los Angeles County between 1970 and 1980 because of Mexican immigration. Cole comments how Governor Mario Cuomo of New York announced immigrants have provided thousands of jobs from 40,000 immigrant owned companies which provided â€Å"$3.5 billion to the state’s economy every year.† Cole’s third â€Å"myth† includes the belief that â€Å"Immigrants are a drain on society’s resources.† Cole mentions that Americans feel immigrants should not receive government benefits, but according to a 1994 Urban Institute report, â€Å"immigrants generate significantly more in taxes paid than they cost in services received.† Studies demonstrate that taxes go to the federal government, states Cole, but when the â€Å"state and federal money† is distributed, the figures show no evidence about the cost of immigrants. The United States loses money on immigrants who recently moved to the county because they have not yet â€Å"made it.† For this reason, the author affirms that immigrants are a big advantage to the economy . Social programs are unavailable to undocumented immigrants, expresses Cole, but are granted rights to benefits of medical and nutritional care and education for children. Eliminating health care would â€Å"cost u s more in the long run,† explains Cole. Cole’s fourth â€Å"myth† involves he misconception that â€Å"Aliens refuse to assimilate, and are depriving us of our cultural and political unity.† Throughout history, immigrants have developed and created the â€Å"American culture† into what it is today, comments Cole. He quotes Supreme Court Justice Stephen Field for writing in 1984 that the Chinese â€Å"have remained among us a separate people, retaining their original peculiarities of dress, manners, habits, and modes of living, which are as marked as their complexion and language.† After five years, Field supported his remarks towards Chinese immigrants. Our society pressures immigrants to adapt to American culture, exerts Cole. For this reason, Cole raises the question is it ethical to â€Å"limit immigrants in a society† that is built upon the culture  of past immigrants? Cole’s final â€Å"myth† is â€Å"Noncitizen immigrants are not entitled to constitutional rights.† The Bill of Rights protects all people, Cole contends, only reserving for citizens the right to vote and run for a federal office position. In contrast, immigrants are still treated less than a U.S. citizen because they are foreigners. Cole points out that in 1893, the executive branch required Chinese laborers to prove their residency in the United States by the testimony of â€Å"at least one credible white witness† simply because â€Å"nonwhites could not be trusted.† Cole is handling a pending case in the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that has the Clinton Administration arguing that legal immigrants living in the country should have no more First Amendment Rights than first-time immigrants coming into the United States â€Å"-that is, none.† Cole explains in an example that a non-citizen can be deported for expressing themselves th e same way as a citizen is allowed to. In conclusion, Cole acknowledges a quote that he was taught: â€Å"we will be judged by how we treat others.† By this standard, Cole goes on to explain that if we keep treating immigrants the way that we do right now, â€Å"we are not in very good shape.†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Environmental Factors Checkpoint

Checkpoint: Environmental Factors Summarize the four external environmental factors and six internal environmental factors that help organizations achieve optimal function. Include in your response the factors that you feel are most important to the success of a human service organization. The four environmental factors that help organizations achieve optimal function are as follows. * Economic Factors * Sociological Factors * Technological Factors * Political and Professional FactorsEconomic factors play a key role in how a successful organization functions because when the economy is in a recession and funding cuts are inevitable human services are usually first to be cut in the budget. Funding sources, non-cash revenues, clients or consumers, suppliers and competition are all economic factors that affect the optimal function of an organization. Political factors affect the optimal achievement of an organization because the attitudes of community leaders and citizens can affect the type of services provided.Community value systems are more likely to support services provided to abused and neglected children or women who have suffered from domestic violence, however they are less likely to support social service programs for recovering alcoholics or the homeless. A good manager needs to take into consideration the interaction between an agency and the community. Professional Considerations play a key role in the optimal success of an organization because accreditation is needed to ensure the agency meets a set of standards. Fundraising for agencies has been found to be more successful if the agency can advertise their accreditation status.Technological Factors are important for human service agencies which regards the use of equipment such as computers and software as well as the development of new treatment approaches. The responsibilities that are being imposed on agencies today require data processing capability. The six Internal Factors that help organizat ions achieve optimal function are as follows. * Organizational purpose mission and philosophy * Organizational Planning * Financial Resources * Organizational Operations * Technological Resources * Human ResourcesSuccessful organizations are those where managers are able to integrate organizational variables and human variables that are consistent and responsive to organizational mission and goals. Miles (1975) Organizational planning and program structure help an agency to deliver services and programs with effective organizational operations. Human resources, technological resources, and financial resources are essential components of an effective and successful human service organization which I feel are most important to the organizations optimal achievement. Kelly Lindquist

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Straight Pool By John OHara

The short story â€Å"Straight Poolâ€Å", written by John O’Hara, is one of the most interesting and mysterious stories in the anthology, Points of View. The story shows O’Hara’s masterful ability to create drama and intrigue and to involve the reader in the lives of three characters in few short pages. â€Å"Straight Pool† is a very ambiguous story in which the main point of the story is left up to the reader’s imagination. The story begins with a monologue by a loyal, yet confused husband, who is playing pool with his friend Jack Mc Morrow. The speaker is discussing his wife and her problems and his feelings about her behavior. But the monologue can be viewed in different lights. On surface, this could be a simple story about two friends playing pool while one complains about his wife. However, with the clues given throughout the text and some imagination, it might be that the narrator’s wife is having an affair with his pool partner. In the beginning of the story, the narrator discusses how long it has been since he has even picked up a cue stick. He talks about his wife, Mae and how she keeps having crying fits, and that he is afraid to leave her alone. As a result he says that he stopped playing pool to take care of his wife. He goes on to say that if he does try to leave the house, his wife â€Å"all of a sudden stops crying and sits there looking at me, not saying a word, and it’s worse than her crying. (Pg. 32)† In the scenario in which it seems like Mae is having an affair, she could be crying because she feels lost in her marriage and so guilty about her actions. Every time she sees him it reminds her about how bad she feels and what she is doing and she starts sobbing. It seems that she still cares about her husband, but she does not love him. For example, she will not tell him that she his having an affair, either because she is afraid, or just does not want to see him hurt. It could also be argued that her action... Free Essays on Straight Pool By John O'Hara Free Essays on Straight Pool By John O'Hara The short story â€Å"Straight Poolâ€Å", written by John O’Hara, is one of the most interesting and mysterious stories in the anthology, Points of View. The story shows O’Hara’s masterful ability to create drama and intrigue and to involve the reader in the lives of three characters in few short pages. â€Å"Straight Pool† is a very ambiguous story in which the main point of the story is left up to the reader’s imagination. The story begins with a monologue by a loyal, yet confused husband, who is playing pool with his friend Jack Mc Morrow. The speaker is discussing his wife and her problems and his feelings about her behavior. But the monologue can be viewed in different lights. On surface, this could be a simple story about two friends playing pool while one complains about his wife. However, with the clues given throughout the text and some imagination, it might be that the narrator’s wife is having an affair with his pool partner. In the beginning of the story, the narrator discusses how long it has been since he has even picked up a cue stick. He talks about his wife, Mae and how she keeps having crying fits, and that he is afraid to leave her alone. As a result he says that he stopped playing pool to take care of his wife. He goes on to say that if he does try to leave the house, his wife â€Å"all of a sudden stops crying and sits there looking at me, not saying a word, and it’s worse than her crying. (Pg. 32)† In the scenario in which it seems like Mae is having an affair, she could be crying because she feels lost in her marriage and so guilty about her actions. Every time she sees him it reminds her about how bad she feels and what she is doing and she starts sobbing. It seems that she still cares about her husband, but she does not love him. For example, she will not tell him that she his having an affair, either because she is afraid, or just does not want to see him hurt. It could also be argued that her action...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

15 Groovy, Awesome, Swell and Cool Words

15 Groovy, Awesome, Swell and Cool Words 15 Groovy, Awesome, Swell and Cool Words 15 Groovy, Awesome, Swell and Cool Words By Michael Whats your favorite word of compliment or admiration? How do you express approval? These are important questions for each generation of young people, who want their vocabulary to distinguish them from previous generations. Its not fool-proof: a slang expression of approval is often fashionable in one place or time but not another, and may even coming back into fashion later. A word that is fashionable in one school might be considered outdated in another. Perhaps the longest reigning compliment is Cool! after an unusual run of popularity among several generations of young people, it remains fashionable in 2019. But in the last century, dozens of similar words have come in and out of fashion. ace Meant top quality, as in the highest playing card in a standard deck. A flying ace in World War I meant a pilot who had shot down five or more planes in combat. A student who gets an A on a test can say, I aced it! But once upon a time, it was used as a positive exclamation: Ace! meant Great! awesome typical of GenX youth (those born roughly between 1961 and 1981), but also used by American preteens in 2019. Example: This popcorn is awesome! One of several contemporary uses of a stronger word in a weaker sense, awesome originally means producing terror, then full of awe or awe: The volcano erupted in an awesome shower of fire. More recently, it has been used for anything thats moderately interesting (such as rocks, socks and clocks in the Lego Movie song Everything is Awesome.) Perhaps this usage expresses a hope for a life thats more than moderately interesting, or else, youthful enthusiasm. bad An example of contrarianism in youth slang (bad means good), but still with the original connotation of rough or evil. That is, a girl would not say, Oooh, thats a bad bouquet of flowers! Thank you! Ill put them in a vase right now. bully One of the favorite adjectives of U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt, meaning grand or excellent. Used in this sense in Great Britain by 1680 and revived in popularity America around 1844 (Bully for you!). Its meaning changed from the Middle Dutch boele, meaning lover or boyfriend, later probably used similarly to Ooh, your boele is really bad! I like him! to the current sense of someone who is cruel to those weaker than himself. But when Roosevelt was President (1901 to 1909), it was probably as popular as cool is today, and meant approximately the same thing. cool This word has also kept its Old English meaning of low temperature. Someone with a cool head is not hot-headed or easily angered he has control of his passions. But a dispassionate person might also lack compassion for others, an implication of cool in the 1957 musical West Side Story. In the 1940s, tenor saxophonist Lester Young popularized the word as an expression of calm approval and satisfaction. If you ask teens in the Teens if they need anything, maybe something to eat or drink, they may respond, No, Im cool or No, Im good. It has been spelled kewl, but thats now dated or ironic. crack Used in the phrase crack shot, an accurate marksman, but it means good or skilled in general. Samuel Johnsons dictionary definition involved quickness or smartness. epic Frequently used by young gamers but common among many young male Americans, meaning very cool and exciting, Originally used for important events or great objects worthy of long works of heroic poetry such as the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, Beowulf, and Paradise Lost. Political campaigners like to refer to the epic accomplishments of their candidate, if any, the last time her or she was in office, if ever. groovy Popular in the 1960s among surfers and hippies. It even became the title of a Los Angeles television show in 1967, live from the beach in Santa Monica. But it originated in the Jazz Era of the 1920s, from the phrase in the groove, referring to the groove on vinyl records. If you were in the groove, you were part of the latest music scene. gucci From the high-quality clothing line, used by YouTuber Matt Smith to mean high quality or good. When a former enemy becomes your friend, you can say about your relationship, Its all gucci. In a 1999 magazine interview in Harpers Bazaar, singer Lenny Kravitz calls his bedroom very Gucci. hep According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word hep was first used in 1862 to mark the cadence of a march, like this: HEP 2 3 4 HEP 2 3 4 The words Left left left-right-left served the same purpose and also made it clear which foot you should put forward when. By 1900, it had already begun to mean trendy. decades before it was adopted by beatniks and hippies. hip Originally spelled hep, this word referred to the most current-conscious residents of the 1960s. Someone who was hip knew all the latest jargon, wore the latest fashions, and understood the latest ideas. To say Im hip with that meant I know what youre talking about and I agree. So a hippie at the time was someone who was very hip. Of course, being trendy is a moving target the word was first used in this sense in 1904, and trends have changed substantially since then. mod Beginning about 1958, the mod youth culture was typified by young sharp-dressing, scooter-riding working class Londoners, but spread around the world. So in the early 1960s, if something was mod, it was trendy. Long after mod stopped being a common compliment, an American TV series called The Mod Squad debuted in 1968 and ran until 1973. Its young undercover detective stars were more hip than mod, using solid and groovy as their compliments. The word was revived effectively later according to a middle-aged GenXer, That word was so 80s. sick Another example of contrarianism in youth slang. Being ill is disagreeable, but something that is sick is attractive. In other words, calling a skateboard sick is an expression of admiration. On Mark McCrindles list of the most annoying youth phrases in Australia, fully sick is number 2. swell By 1786, a swell was a dandy, a fashionable person with a swollen sense of self-importance. But it became an exclamation of admiration. In the musical The Music Man, set in 1912, Professor Harold Hill warns parents against sinister influences on their sons: Are certain words creeping into his conversation? Words like like swell! But it was too late: by 1930, expressions such as Thats just swell! had become common in the United States. wild The theme song of The Patty Duke Show (1963-1966) says about the two main characters (both played by Patty Duke) What a wild duet! Perhaps a 1960s reaction to the staid 1950s, where wild behavior was not acceptable. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives40 Synonyms for â€Å"Different†Types of Plots

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Econometric analysis project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Econometric analysis - Statistics Project Example In this project we consider a time series data to analyze the whether the effect of capital punishment on homicide rate. Time series analysis is a form of statistical data analysis on a series of sequential data points that are usually measured at uniform time intervals over a period of time. A time series can be said to collection of data with the interval between and being fixed and constant. Time series analysis is the estimation of difference equations containing stochastic (error) terms (Enders 2010). Time series forecasting takes the analysis from the time series data and tries to predict what the data may be in the near future, based on what it has been in the past. But because there are many factors influencing the fluctuation of the homicide, creating an accurate forecast based on the analysis alone is difficult. Therefore, many approaches and models have to be developed in order to utilize the time series analysis and provide an accurate prediction of what is to come in the future. The purpose of this report is to apply the statistical techniques to understand the relationship, if any exists, between capital punishment and homicide rate. There is a strong correlation between the homicide rate and death penalty number (number under capital punishment); from the table generated below on the correlations, the correlation coefficient = 0.9406* implying a strong positive correlation between the homicide rate and death penalty number. To explain the concept of the correlation further, a scatter plot representing the homicide rate and number of people under death penalty in a given year is plotted and from the pattern of the graph, it can easily be seen that there is a strong positive correlation/relationship between homicide rate and number of people under death penalty. For instance, for any unit increase in homicide rate there is a subsequent increase in the number of people under death penalty likewise for any unit

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Field Report on Hopwood Motorway Service Area . Sustainability Coursework - 1

Field Report on Hopwood Motorway Service Area . Sustainability - Coursework Example I noted that the peak flow and the concentration of pollutants in both water and sediments collected from the management train at Hopwood have recorded a downward trend (Motorway Services Online, 2013: 1). The sediments were received into the watercourse (Booth, et al., 2012: 244). Booth et al. (2012: 244) say that the Hopwood motorway service contains SUDS trains that administer vehicle parking, amenity and petroleum supply areas, as well as access road network, ponds and filter strips. During the fieldwork, I noticed that the motorway service also has swales, porous paving and swamplands (Booth, et al., 2012: 244). Conclusively, having conducted the field survey, the Service area must always be monitored to control the chemicals emitted from the pond. In an event that the wetlands are not well monitored, the wildlife may have access to contaminated water from the service

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Consumer Behavior Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Consumer Behavior - Research Paper Example She wants the product to be as accurately portrayed in her annotated reviews; if not she’ll have to reconsider buying the brand the next time as there might be better alternatives in the market. At her age, she is a woman of ambition. She is single, and she describes herself as an independent woman who always knows how to do things her way; she is usually the kind of woman who wants to solve her problems by herself. Consumer A’s line of work as a management consultant now requires her to travel a lot, as her scope of operations grow through internet networking and internet advertising. When before, she is very much contented with her powerful desktop computer, she needs mobility now as her work requires her. As a smart girl she is, she knows she will need to carry on her computer all the time instead of bringing her tablet pc with her. The quality of her work will require her to buy an equally powerful PC that will help her handle her job, at the same time enable her to use it personally. Consumer A is a bit of a sophisticated buyer. According to her, PC is a high risk purchase, both financially and emotionally. Theoretically, according to her, she will be replacing her desktop with a new computer, a powerful laptop, as her personal tech buddy, that is why this poses and emotional risk to her. Due to this, her search for information is very extensive. She considers the internet the primary medium where she can gather information. Apart from it, part of her decision-making unit, the influencers to her are credible tech bloggers and people who have experiences over tech products. She reads every review about a product and becomes very scrutinizing whenever she encounters a negative feedback about them. Her buying behavior, because it poses very high risk for her requires her high involvement; her information search is a very logical way

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Applying Learning Theory in the Classroom

Applying Learning Theory in the Classroom The two main influential learning approaches are the behaviourist and the cognitive approach to learning theories. This report critically evaluates how learning theories are applied in the 14-19 Applied Science classroom. It examines how behaviourism, although an outdated theory, is still relevant in the modern classroom and is still used in developing the rewards and sanctions policies of the modern school. The impact of Piagets theory of cognitive development is evaluated and what possible difficulties might arise if they were applied exactly as Piaget dictated. The impact of adhering rigorously to Piaget maturational stages is criticised and how it might not be possible to adhere to set ages for progression in a school. Kolb, Vygotsky and Bruners constructivist approaches are compared and shown that, when applied to a motivated class they work as they were originally intended and yet when applied to a more disaffected class, they arent as easily applied. The science classroom is an inherently dangerous place for students to work in (Frost, Turner, 2005, p.168). It is therefore necessary to instil a level of ‘discipline in the students, to ensure they minimize the dangers to themselves and others in the science classroom. It is necessary to ‘condition (Child, 1997, pp.114-121)the students to behave when certain commands are issued. Behaviour theorists believed that the mind was a blank slate ‘tabula rasa and that we could observe the response to stimulus that happened to an organism. Watson thought that a response is more likely to be connected to an environmental event (stimulus), if that stimulus-response is repeated regularly and with a short period of time between them (Child, 1997, p.115). Thorndike showed that the student is less likely to repeat negative stimulus-responses, which therefore means that there will be an increase in the positive stimulus-responses, until a correct response is repeated regularly. The stimulus-response is then reinforced whenever a positive result is produced (Child, 1997, pp.114-121). Skinner made several conclusions from his findings in Operant Conditioning (Child, 1997, pp.119-121). The steps taken in the conditioning process must be small. Regular rewards are required at the early stages, but once the conditioning is reflexive, rewards can be given less regularly. The rewards must come immediately or shortly after a positive response to ensure maximum effectiveness (feedback) (Child, 1997, pp.114-121) When discussing learning theories, its necessary to mention Pavlov due to the importance held in his work, even if it doesnt really directly affect the classroom. Pavlov pioneered the idea of classical conditioning with his famous experiment where he taught dogs to salivate, when a stimulus was applied, just before food was given to them. The dogs eventually associated the ringing of the bell with the arrival of food and salivated in anticipation of the food arriving (Child, 1997, pp.116-118). Pavlovs work does not directly link to teaching in the classroom, but it does apply, in that the students may be conditioned, to have a memory or a response to an event that happens within the classroom environment. During my lessons I tried to implement Watson, Thorndikes and Skinners theory of Operant Conditioning in the classroom to modify the behaviour of the class. The goal was to condition the students to reflexively stop talking when I moved to a certain area of the room; using the theory that the students would repeat behaviour that received a positive response, and not repeat behaviour that received a negative response. I initially started to modify their behaviour by moving to the left of the front desk, holding my hand up and waiting for silence in the same spot, every time I required them to stop talking and listen. Initially it was necessary to ask for silence and remind them that I was waiting to talk. In some cases it was necessary to issue a sanction as per the science departments rules of two warnings, then issuing a detention or keeping them in for part of their break if, if they didnt stop talking quickly enough. If the class stopped talking quickly, they would be rewarded wit h praise and if the lesson had gone well a class reward of a game or competition at the end, if it was appropriate. Positive feedback about performance is said to have a positive effect on future performance. Skinner called it reinforcement; Thorndike called it The Law of Effect (Child, 1997, pp.115-121). McAllister et al. (1969) found that praising students not only acted as a positive reinforcement of behaviour, but that the praise may have also worked by causing peer group pressure in the class to reduce inappropriate behaviour, because the negative behaviour reflected on the class as a whole (McAllister et al., 1969). Banduras Social Learning Theory would say that the students were not only being conditioned to respond to the teacher, but also learning from their peers actions as to what was appropriate behaviour in the classroom (Atherton, 2009) By the end of the six weeks, the students were starting to respond to the successive approximation as described by Skinner (Child, 1997, p.121)positively and required reminding less that I was waiting to talk to them. It was evident that they much preferred the positive response of listening and being allowed to continue with whatever activity I had planned, to the negative response of not listening and receiving a sanction, before continuing with the activity I had planned. It could be said that they were suffering from Learned Helplessness (Atherton, 2009a)and had given up on being able to change the lesson by negative behaviour. Due to the need to provide a safe working environment in the classroom, I also worked on the class responding to the command ‘STOP when they were carrying out laboratory work. The idea being that if ‘STOP was said loudly to the whole class, that they automatically stop what they are doing, stop talking, turn to where the teacher is in the classroom and prepare for instructions that are important or safety related. â€Å"In the early stages of conditioning, continuous reinforcement is needed to establish the Stimulus-Response link.† (Child, 1997, p.119) The difficulties whilst trying to implement these theories was down to the amount of time involved in getting the students responding to the stimulus positively. The theory of being able to reward the students for responding positively and sanction them if they dont isnt appropriate in this situation, due to the serious nature of the command. If the students dont respond to it, it could ultimately end up with dire consequences in an emergency situation. The ‘STOP command in particular was a difficult one to implement due to its infrequent use and the seriousness of its use that was implied to the students. If the command was overused, then it would lose its importance as something serious, but on the other hand if it wasnt practiced enough, the students would not respond appropriately when the command was issued. Another interesting situation that arose was from the attention-monopolising students, in that the more demanding students are prepared to put up with the minor inconvenience of the negative reinforcement if they get the attention time from the teacher. (McAllister et al., 1969) Seeing the students more frequently, I am sure that they could be conditioned quicker and show the innate response more readily than when I was only able to see them a few times a week. Behaviourism is evidently still relevant in the modern school (McQuillan, 1998), even if it is a somewhat outdated theory. Schools still have their sanctions policies based around Operant Conditioning and negative reinforcement with various levels of warnings and detentions in place for negative behaviour. This will remain effective for as long as policy makers allow these sanctions to be used. However, Skinners belief that we are all blank slates and what goes on inside our black boxes (Child, 1997, pp.119-121) when we learn is not important, is not relevant anymore.(Child 1997, pp.113-121) The students I have worked with and taught are all very unique in their personalities and show completely different ways of learning. To say that the learning processes they go through are only related to external stimulus and their response to that stimulus does not correlate with what has been observed in the classroom. Constructivist Theory has played a big part in the current educational environment in schools. Driver and Easley introduced constructivism as it is known now to the science community in 1978. (Solomon, 1994, p.3)They stated what was previously an inaccessible theory for science, accessible to the scientific educational community. The 14-19 classroom allows us to look at how Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development is applied. Piaget observed that children go through four distinct stages of cognitive maturation (Burton, 2001, pp.237-239) Stages of Cognitive Development (Atherton, 2009b) In the 14-19 classroom, according to Piagets theory, all the students have reached the Formal Operational stage of cognitive development and are capable of developing hypothetical situations and understand abstract concepts. Students should be able to apply their understanding of a situation and in theory be able to hypothesise what would happen in a given event. (Child, 1997, pp.191-207) From experience it is clear that not all students reach the Formal Operation stage at the same time and in fact the 11 year and up boundary is not as clear cut as that (Child, 1997, p.202-203). Within my Year 9 KS3 classes the majority of the students were at the Formal Operation stage of development and were capable of taking an abstract idea, such as levers and moment of a force and applying their knowledge and understanding to derive the equation for calculating the moment of a force themselves. A complex operation that required the students to both assimilate and accommodate (Child, 1997, p.192) the new information they were processing, a task which some found difficult, but all were able to eventually complete. With the Year 10 Applied Science class only a small portion of the class were at the point where they could process abstract information or make a hypothesis. Unlike the year nine class they had to be walked through every new concept step by step (Burton, 2001 p241). When they were given the task of hypothesising why something had happened, for example, where did the glowing light from heated calcium carbonate come from, they were unable to comprehend that the glowing was not related to the heating itself, but was actually an endothermic reaction. Even with a step by step explanation and clearly showing how the reaction was occurring, only a small portion of the class were able to assimilate and accommodate the schema. ‘Teaching at middle and upper school level should begin from concrete considerations, building up, where applicable, to more abstract reasoning.'(Child, 1997, p.203). Piagets theory of distinct maturational stages poses an interesting problem for teachers and educational authorities. Should a student be moved into a more advanced class or year because of their age, or should they move up a level when they reach a stage in their learning ability? From experience with the two different classes, its quite apparent that these boundaries are not as clear as Piaget was led to believe. If a school was to teach students based on their stage of cognitive development; how long could a student be held back for, before the age gap between their classmates was too much? Some students may after all never reach the Formal Operations stage. Vygotskys theory says that the childs higher mental processes are developed through the child working with other more knowledgeable persons than themselves.(Kozulin, 2003, p.19). He theorised that there was a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) that was the boundary between a childs Zone of Actual Performance and their potential level of understanding. The child can access their ZPD with the assistance of a more ‘competent (Kozulin, 2003, p.20) person guiding them.(Chaiklin, 2003, p.43) Vygotskys Social Constructivist theory moved away from the didactic approach of teaching, which often led to students developing their own misconceptions and not being able to apply their scientific knowledge ‘flexibly to new situations (Karpov, 2003, pp.67-73), to a more socially guided, active approach to learning, where students learnt from their teacher, peers and themselves. Kolbs four stage experiential learning cycle, is similar to both Vygotskys theory of a ZPD and Bruners theory of scaffolding the learning. Kolbs cycle builds on the learners concrete experience and goes through three distinct stages, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation, before returning to the now new concrete experience,.(Burton 2001, p.246) Similarly Bruner theorised that students built on their past experiences and that by applying a spiral curriculum, they would able to return to subject areas and build on them when they were more capable of dealing with the more complex areas of the curriculum. He saw the teacher as a guide, leading the student through the learning process by scaffolding their learning with appropriate material and as the student progressed less scaffolding is required.(Burton, 2001, p.241) When applying these theories it is important to be aware that students are all at different stages of learning. Some students have a more advanced understanding, which puts them in a completely different ZPD, concrete experience or stage in their scaffolded learning, to students who have a lower level of understanding. With the KS3 class the students were all in the 5-7 range for target grades, therefore it was a lot easier to plan how they were going to progress in the lesson. A clear understanding of where they were in relation to their ZPD or their concrete knowledge was available and it was therefore a lot clearer, what was required to get them to a new Zone of Actual Performance or to the next stage in Kolbs cycle. They had all reached Piagets formal operation stage and were able to develop their knowledge independently. With the GCSE Applied Science class it wasnt as easy to apply the theories. The students target grades ranged from G-A., therefore ascertaining where their concrete knowledge lay or where they were in their Zone of Actual Performance was quite challenging. Such a large spread of stages meant it was often necessary to take a didactic approach to try and provide a basic foundation level of knowledge for the lower attaining students, so that they could access the lesson. In some cases students were never able to access the lesson due to their complete disaffection from the subject or school in general. Most of the class had not reached the formal operation stage and some struggled in the concrete operational stage at times. A good example being when one of the students struggled with the concept of limestone having nothing to do with the fruit. Finding the middle ground, where the higher attaining students wouldnt be bored waiting for the lower attaining students to get on task or understand what to do was extremely challenging, and at some points, felt completely pointless trying to apply social constructivist theory to the lesson planning with such a wide range of grades in the class was one of the key problems when trying to apply these theories to the lessons. It was however (in retrospect) interesting being able to see two different sides to how social constructivist theory is applied in the classroom. With the higher attaining, less disaffected KS3 students, it was a lot easier to see how the theories could be effectively applied to their lessons, how they benefitted from the teacher acting as a guide and their interest in the lesson meant that they were able to access it and move forward in their learning. It was always clear at which point in the learning process each students was at and what was required to move them onto the next level in the learning cycle. With the more disaffected, lower attaining students, in the GCSE Applied Science class it was so much harder to effectively apply these theories in the lesson. I tried on several occasions to teach lessons where I acted as the guide through their learning process; the students (in theory) would build on their experiential learning and move forward in their knowledge and understanding of the subject. In fact what happened was that the students panicked at the thought of not having the teacher dictating to them each step of the lesson and what they must do. The concrete experience for some was so limited that they were unable to apply it to the lesson and very quickly, if they were not given step by step instructions as to what to do next, they would be off task and cause other students to go off task as well. Therefore it seemed that the behaviourist theory, in particular Skinner, was being followed, as the positive reward was completing the step. Within the GCSE class there were several students who were classed as having Special Educational Needs (SEN), this ranged from Social Emotional Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) to Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Since the revised national curriculum was brought in to effect in September 2000, these students have had the right to a place in the classroom alongside students without any SEN.(Peacey, 2001) Students with SEN are to be included in the lessons and not treated as separate entities to the non-SEN students. Effectively inclusion was brought in to ensure that all students had access to exactly the same educational opportunities as other students. Too see inclusion in practice is very different to reading about it on paper though. Within the class the students suffering from Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, worked fairly diligently, and although at times they found it a struggle organising themselves for course work or in taking notes, they caused little disruption to the other students. They had the extra help required and were catered for in examinations and course work; they were effectively being included. The students who were listed as having SEBD on the other hand, would have appeared to an outsider to relish in the opportunity to be able to disrupt learning; they spent more time being removed from the class than learning itself. Yet if their backgrounds were to be looked into, it would be apparent that it was an achievement being in school that day and it was quite understandable that science was not their top priority, when they might not have even had breakfast that morning. Their inclusion in the lesson was negatively impacting on other students who were not on the SEN register and did not need to be specially included into the class to due to disruptive behaviour. This leads to the question ‘When should a student not be included in a classroom?, which at this point in my limited experience, I am unable to answer. In conclusion, behaviourism is still always going to be prominent in the modern school as a way of leading students towards becoming more disciplined and focused in their studies, via the rewards and sanctions policies on which they are based. When applying the cognitive learning theories, it is necessary to be aware that not all of the students are going to be starting at the same level, some may well be significantly below the level of other students and are only grouped together because of their age. Therefore the materials to be taught are not necessarily going to be accessible to all of the class all of the time unless they are developed to be inclusive for all the students, which is the current aim of the government (Peacey, 2001). The only viable option would be to group classes closely by attainment level as opposed to age, which is unlikely to happen. References ATHERTON, J.S., 2009, Learning and Teaching; Social Learning Theory (Bandura), [Online] (Updated Nov. 2009). Available: http://www.learning-theories.com/social-learning-theory-bandura.html [12/Dec/2009]. ATHERTON, J.S., 2009a, Learning and Teaching; Behaviourism, [Online] (Updated Nov. 2009). Available: http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/behaviour.htm#operantconditioning [15/Dec/2009]. ATHERTON, J.S., 2009b, Learning and Teaching; Convergent and Divergent Learning [Online] (Updated Nov. 2009). Available: http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/converge.htm [15/Dec/ 2009]. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Theses Essay -- essays research papers

death of a salesman Biff the Hero? In Arthur Miller’s, dramatic play, Death of a Salesman the Loman family presents its self as being the perfect nuclear family as opposed to their dysfunctional nature. Even though Miller portrays Willy Loman as the main character of the story, his lack of praise worthy traits make it necessary for another to be the hero. This other character comes in the form of Willy’s son, Biff Loman, who may not succeed in regards to Willy’s dreams, but still deserves the honor of being called the hero of the play. Biff shows qualities describing a hero because he grows up with false ideals but later rejects them searching for his true identity. To analyze Biff Loman the most important aspect comes from his change in self-realization that represents his dynamic nature. This dynamic nature shows with his interaction in regards to other characters and with respects to underlying themes in the play. Even though many people have influenced Biff over his life, only h is family has left a significant impact on it. Their presence and importance in his life make it necessary to view the motivating aspects of his interaction with them, whether it is positive or negative. The first character that we must analyze comes in the form of the overbearing but idolized father, who sets the foundation for Biff’s beliefs and way of life. Many different aspects of this relationship can be portrayed in reference to Biff’s ultimate and final realization at the end of the play. In Biff’s youth, he accepts and adores everything that pertains to Willy because that is the nature of a small child. Even though we later realize the err in Willy’s ideology, his initial instincts to teach his son success held no faults. Willy’s hopes and goals were pure (Onger 154). On the other hand, Willy’s excessive need to promote vanity and unfulfilling popularity, sets the stage for Biff’s eventual letdown. Willy provides Biff with an ego because of the high praise given to Biff that makes him conceited. Such great praise prompts Biff’s pride of himself and his family, which leads Biff to feel contentment and fulfillment in his younger years before his dreams come to an end. But, his flaw comes in the form of hubris or arrogance that goes hand in hand with his father's belief in his own greatness. Biff so readily believes his father’s assumptions that he will not work at any ... ...With this in mind Biff forces himself to break the barriers of his fathers confining concepts and to evaluate his own life. Biff’s understanding of Willy’s inability to realize his [Willy’s] identity, proved vital to Biff’s own search for self identification. Willy further proved his inability to understand by finally committing suicide and thinking that it would bring happiness to Biff. Biff shows his dynamic nature in the rejection of false ideals and in the search for true identity. One last proof of his change shows up in a strong symbolic element of the play. When Biff stole footballs in his youth, he felt no shame or sorrow, but that does not hold true in the case of the fountain pen he stole from Oliver. "I took those balls years ago, now I walk in with his fountain pen? That clinches it, don’t you see? I can’t face him like that!" (Miller 88). By regret for his actions, Biff proves the maturity he gains, which no other c haracter can attest for. Because of such amazing development, "†¦Biff, having completed his search for self-identity in the face of the odds which had driven his father crazy, emerges as the true protagonist of this play" (Sharma 79).