Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example Some of praises accredited to his name include the invention of lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove. Analysis of this book determines that the source of information in it is first-hand or rather primary. This is because, the book puts across that, it is through Franklin’s own voice that makes this book worth reading, and how he describes the world in his own words. In addition to that, Franklin started writing his first autobiography portraying how fascinating Philadelphia was including his shrewd literature observations. This regarded how he viewed America’s Colonial and Revolutionary periods while residing in England in 1771 (67). Due to the prevailing circumstances, he had to stop writing but later resumed writing thirteen years later upon returning to the States. However, the work is second-hand information after different authors wrote it upon Franklin’s death. Since his work is a tale of success depicting a remarkable man, Franklin states clearl y that the reason or purpose of putting down this piece of work that took him a period of more than eighteen years was to set an exemplary life to the younger generations. He would do so by showing them how he emerged from poverty to amassing enormous wealth, power, and success. He continues to illustrate that all that he possessed came by means of immense hardship and constant diligence (118). This is the reason why his autobiography is very important to Americans as it addresses real time essential values of life. According to part of his life story, Franklin depicts another reason for writing his life history. He says that, it would be agreeable for a son, in this case his son, to get to know some of his father’s life incidents. While in quest for this purpose, he decided to accord himself whole week leisure in order to put down for his son, William. As he continues, he states that he must speak thanking God for his kind providence and happiness that he owed Him. Franklin directly engages these thoughts to his son, as he wanted William to lead happy life just like his father by striving to better his life. During composition of his work, Franklins attempt to reach a unified structure of the whole story. He argues that, the reason behind great success and power is through immense hard work and determination. Even after dividing his work into four parts, the overall goal remains intact. His work seems entirely planned even before he commenced the actual writing. The autobiography traces Franklin’s personal development from obscurity to his profound significance. It presses that the main form of attaining any goal is through hard work. Franklin’s life history is entirely a secret success message for the younger and upcoming generations, as he believed his life story would serve as an exceptional example to others. Presuppositions give contrast between the ideas and values in a book. Franklin’s autobiography offers a semi ready-made formula for gaining power and amassing wealth leading to a successful life. He portrays companionship of a real flesh and blood extraordinary man with an extraordinary mind and quality whereof his daily walkie-talkie conversation would lead us to meeting our goals and facing challenges. Franklin values hard work as the key to success. Today, hard work without work makes the difference between him and the

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