Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Does Writing Help Cope With Anxiety And / Or Panic Attacks

Does Writing Help Cope with Anxiety and/or Panic Attacks? Anxiety Disorders affect 18.1 percent of adults in the United States, which totals to almost forty million people aged eighteen to fifty-four. Panic Disorders affect 2.7 percent of people in the United States, totaling to six million people. These statistics, found on the â€Å"ADAA† website, do not even count towards all the people who ignore their symptoms and decide not to get medical help. I decided to research if writing helps people cope with their anxiety or deal with their panic attacks partially because I have anxiety, and writing has always helped me calm down when I feel a panic attack coming on. I also wanted to perform research on this because I was interested in seeing if others, like myself, used this method of coping. First, I decided to perform a survey, which I did through I received seventy responses. The youngest person was seventeen, while the oldest person who took the survey was seventy-nine. Fifty-one of the respondents were female, and nineteen of them were male. I had responses from people with a variety of schooling levels, between high school and graduate school. Thirty-three of the people who took the survey had graduated from high school, which is 47.14 percent, the biggest group. Ten had completed one to three years of college, thirteen had graduated from college, and seven either completed graduate school or completed some graduate school. Seven people had not completedShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavior Therapy From Classical Conditioning And Instrumental Conditioning ( Operant Conditioning )1519 Words   |  7 Pageslate 1950s and early 1960s by Aaron T. Beck, MD (Beck, 2011). The origin of cognitive behavior therapy stems from classical conditioning and instru mental conditioning (operant conditioning) (Craske, 2010). The topics will be on the treatment of anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression. 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