Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dove vs. Bebe Advertisements :: essays research papers

Advertising Advertising is a multi billion-dollar business that keeps our economy growing. That’s why we are constantly bombarded with hundreds of ads every single day. Anywhere we look ads will always be around us, in magazines on billboards, radio and t.v. Advertising agents use different types of strategies to get us to buy their products. They also use different tactics to appeal to our senses that make us more vulnerable to their products. There are several categories of basic appeals that are used in advertising. They range from the need for attention to the need of guidance. Advertising has now changed how regular people see the real world. We are constantly looking at picture perfect women and big and buff men in ads. This puts a lot of pressure on us and makes us believe this is the way we should look like, or what we would look like if we bought the product that’s being advertised. The Bebe brand add is advertising clothes. On the top left corner there is a phone number and web address so that I can immediately buy these items. This ad has an attractive young woman. She has a slender figure, blue eyes and perfectly long staright blond hair. Her hair and make up are perfect and she has flawless taned skin. She is wearing a sexy blouse with coordinating pants and earings. She is looking forward and sitting on a couch. This add works because it is modern and up to date. This add instantly grabbed my attention because the woman is just so beautiful, she almost looks like a doll. The appeals used in this are, the need for attention, need to achieve and the need to escape. The add implies to me that if I wear these clothes I will get attention because they are designer brand. I also feel the need to achieve because I can’t afford these clothes, so it makes me want to save money just to buy that outfit. Then since am not as skinny as the model the ad makes me want to loose weight so I can look like her. The ad also makes me want to escape because if I had these clothes and looked like the model I would definitely want to go out and show off to everyone. In the Dove brand ad there is a woman that in our society would be considered plus size.

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