Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is Biology - Essay Example Later, I learned that although this definition is sound, it is not detailed or acceptable. After joining the biology class, I realized that there have been numerous debates and definitions of the subject biology. Indeed, scientists especially biologists have conducted various studies on the subject with an aim of coming up with a universal, acceptable, detailed, and scientific definition and meaning of biology. As a result, scientific research has derived the acceptable definition of biology. The definition entails all aspects of living things. Scientists derived the word biology from Greek words bios, which means life, and the word logos that means study (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2015). As such, research defines biology as the study of the science of life and living organisms that relates to the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living organisms (Bagley, 2014). Indeed, research establishes various fields of biology that include biochemistry, cellular biology, botany, ecology, genetics, evolutionary biology, molecul ar biology, zoology, and physiology (Bagley, 2014). The history of biology dates back to the ancient times when human beings had to study the animals they hunted and plants they gathered (Bagley, 2014). Aristotle is the first person to practice zoology where he performed detailed investigations of marine life and plants (Bagley, 2014). Theophrastus derived the first botanical terms in 300 B.C with respect to the nature and life cycle of plants. Moreover, German botanist Leonhard Fuchs wrote the first biology book in 1542 while Carolus Linnaeus inaugurated the initial Binomial classification in 1735 (Bagley, 2014). The discovery of microscopes allowed Robert Hooke to examine plant tissue in 1665 and derived the term cells. In the 19th century, botanists and entomologists discovered and described various species (Bagley, 2014). Indeed, Charles

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