Monday, September 30, 2019

Global Supply Chain Presentation Briefing Notes

You do not need to conduct in depth analysis using the equations we have looked at in supply chain planning or in global supply chain design You can consider the different variables which are used in these equations, which impact on supply chain planning and network design Part of the task is to manage the level of content in the time period you have. In your future careers you will be asked to present on projects for which you have undertaken considerable work; the skill is ensuring you get across what you think are the key points to your audience, which makes them want to find out more.Don't be afraid to question the approach your client is taking – they are obviously experts in their field for their company and you have had limited insight into their operations and they know this. However, we are asking you to consider your role to be that of a consultant, to bring in a different perspective, to question. As long as you are taking a logical approach which is well supported, your recommendations and insight are welcomed! The Task Critically analyse the challenges that your company faces managing their global supply chains.Outline how the company has addressed these challenges where possible and present your recommendations. You must ensure that you cover the key aspects of global supply chain management which we have discussed in topics one to five; however we would advise that you focus your presentation on just one or two of these topics which you consider to be especially relevant to your company’s operations. You must therefore justify why you view these topics as being of particular importance for your company. Each group must include application of appropriate frameworks in their presentation.Presentations which are mainly descriptive will be marked down as per the assessment criteria. All material must be clearly referenced using Harvard. The Topics and Some Questions to consider in relation to the challenges they face†¦ As outlined above, you need to demonstrate your understanding of the following topics – they do link together, but you do not need to cover every element in detail – focus on one or two areas which you feel are particularly relevant to exploring the challenges the company faces (but justify why in your introduction).Foundations of Global Supply Chain Management What are the macro trends impacting on their global supply chain? (ensure a balance, don't just focus on macro trends as one topic – you need to demonstrate how it links to the management of their global supply chain) Networks and Cycles in their supply chain? Supply chain processes; ‘Push' or ‘Pull' approach employed? Supply Chain structure to meet business objectives? Strategy in relation to nature of demand/supply – agile, responsive, efficient, risk hedging?Managing Supply Chain Performance: SCOR Plan, Make, Source, Deliver, Return – are there any areas of weakness or potential threats i n your client's global supply approach in these areas? Green strategy? Global Supply Chain Planning What forecasting methods are used? If not, what do you think might be some of the risks the company faces? Where do you think might be some of the ‘cost pressures' in their supply chain which would impact on profitability? Designing a Global Supply Network Location decisions?If you feel increased demand for their product may arise from new markets in say China, and you consider the location of your company's current manufacturing plants, what might be the risks associated with increasing capacity at their current manufacturing plant? If relocation is an option, what factors would you take into consideration? How might this impact on the overall design of their global supply chain network? Global Sourcing Make or buy decisions – challenges your company faces? Risks with their current strategy? Relationship with suppliers? Factors influencing the total cost of ownership?

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