Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Argument for the Gettysburg Address

What was the real message Abraham Lincoln was saying in his famous Gettysburg Address? His message was that everyone is equal. During the Civil War, almost everyone living in our country was affected. Lincoln also practiced his speech by including everyone, who died in the devastating war. We still practice that important message today in America. When the war between our nations began, everyone was affected in one way or the other. It didn’t matter if you were rich or poor you would be affected in some way. Even if you didn’t have to go battle yourself, you could easily loose family relative of yours.If you survived the war you could become deeply depressed by all of the bloodshed and our temporarily divided country. This war was to decide if we were a free nation or a country that would allow slavery to be practiced. That decision would affect every single man, woman, and child in our nation. If we had chosen slavery, America would not be the country it is today. In h is famous speech Lincoln honored the dead soldiers, who died in the brutal war. He didn’t just honor the Union soldiers, who died in the war. He didn’t just honor white people, who gave their lives, either.Abraham Lincoln also honored black people and Confederate soldiers, who gave their lives for what they thought was right. Lincoln decided not to be bias in his speech and just honor the people, who died, for the Union Army. How do we still practice the equality of people today? Black, white, Hispanic, and other races of children in America attend the same school. If you were a Hispanic, black, or any other race you can go to any college in the United States. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor you can get a job, because most Americans care whether or not you are a hard worker.If you lose your job you can go to an unemployment center to look at opened jobs. If a person becomes homeless in America, they can go to shelters for help. If that happened to you in another country, you would have to fend for yourself. Whether you are higher class, middle class, or lower class you are generally treated the same by everyone. Hispanic, back, and other different people can have an office in the government. You can practice any religion without being persecution by the government. You are allowed to buy the same brand of food as wealthy people buy at about the same amount of price as they get it.People in the United States have a right to own property, and they don’t have to worry about the government taking it away from them. Americans do not have to worry about being spied on by someone. Almost every person living in America is not afraid of getting arrested if they say something insulting about the American government. America is a nation that offers freedoms the no other country in the world has allowed. Even though Abraham Lincoln didn’t use flowery language, like Edward Everett, his address was remembered as one of our most f amous speeches in American history.Many people were affected by the tragic Civil War. Lincoln honored everyone, who died fighting the war, in his very short, ten-sentence speech. We still follow Abraham Lincoln’s message to day in this country. Not very many people know what important message was delivered on November 19, 1863. The message was just three simple words â€Å"people are equal. † We should always follow Abraham Lincoln’s message to the United States of America. The Gettysburg Address is a speech that we should never forget.

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