Friday, October 18, 2019

International Organization Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Organization Behaviour - Essay Example Communication, which has been variedly defined by authors, is the dissemination of information, conversation between people or passing and receiving information between various people or groups. Culture and communication are closely related in that culture determines the kind of communication among people. Organizational culture also determines the kind of communication used within the organization by the management and employees. Organizational behaviour relates to the feelings and concerns of employees in the organization. This can be defined by their cultural values, attitudes, beliefs, customs and lifestyle. Management, according to international organization behaviour, should consider the views and perspectives of employees in every decision made (McGregor 2005, p. 50). This will ensure communication is effective and the intended information is always disseminated. Culture mediated understanding and perception. It is also true that communication which is one way hinders learning and knowledge acquisition. Therefore the role of culture and communication is very vital in the organization. This is why culture is an important aspect in an organization. Accommodating cultural diversity will also ensure that the relationship between employees and the management is favourable towards achieving the major goals of the organization. This paper therefore seeks to discuss the role of culture and communication. ... Effective communication is also developed over time. This enable the people involved in organizations to share their experiences at work and even work as a team. This is also important in that communication facilitates achievement of organizational goals, customer relations, and promotes feedback both from employees to the management and from customers to the organization. Organizations develop culture that is usually apparent in specific layout of work space, pattern of dress, styles of leadership, styles of functions and meetings, talking about direction and nature of organization, and ways of thinking about the organizational roles, goals and mission of existence. These perspectives are achieved with the help of effective communication within the organization (Graham 2005, p. 40). Culture of an organization may be expressed through both verbal and non verbal communication among the parties in the organization. Organizations that develop a common culture for its employees understan d the role of cultural diversity of its employees and achieve its objectives. In the concept of organizational behaviour, managers are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the views and perceptions of employees are understood and incorporated in day to day management of the business. Managers can only understand their employees if they first conceptualize their cultural beliefs, norms, customs, and attitudes. Some employees feel motivated if they are involved in decision making and their suggestions considered in the organization. This can be effectively done where the role of communication is emphasized and cultural diversity within the organization is captured. This introduces the concept of cross cultural communication

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