Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hotel Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hotel Management - Assignment Example This team will include a broker, an appraiser, an accountant, an attorney, an architect, an engineer, a marketing and financial consultant. The broker will assist in the negotiation of the purchase. The appraiser will be a person who has either done appraisal of similar properties or has appraised properties in the hotel construction and leasing market. The accountant will be responsible for reviewing the records kept on the property to determine whether the funds are being applied appropriately, and whether the reporting systems and financial controls are adequate. The attorney will be a legal consultant specializing in hotel works and will assist in the formulation of acquisition strategies. The attorney will assist in the identification and coordination of the members of the acquisition team, and also offer advice on structure and terms of transactions. The attorney will also assist in issues of legal due diligence, including the significance of litigation and regulatory and title issues. In its popular usage the word conveyance signifies the document employed to carry out a purchase of land. But the term conveyance is of much wider import, and comprises the preparation and completion of all kinds of legal instruments. A well-known branch of the conveyancers business is the investigation of title. An important function in the case of purchases or mortgages of real estate. With personal estate (other than leasehold) he has perhaps not so much concern. Chattels are usually transferred by delivery, and stocks or shares by means of printed instruments which can be bought at a law-stationers. The common settlements and wills, however, deal wholly or mainly with personal property; and an interest in settled personality is frequently the subject of a mortgage. Of late years, also, there has been an enormous increase in the volume of conveyancing business in connection. with limited joint-stock companies. In the preparation of legal documents the practitioner is much assisted by the use of precedents. These are outlines or models of instruments of all kinds, exhibiting in. accepted legal phraseology their usual form and contents with additions and variations adapted to particular circumstances. Collections of them have been in use from early times, certainly since printing became common. The modern precedent is, upon the whole, concise and businesslike. The prolixity which formerly characterized most legal documents has largely disappeared, mainly through the operation of statutes which enable many clauses previously inserted at great length to be, in some cases, e.g. covenants for title, incorporated by the use of a few prescribed words, and in others safely omitted altogether. The Solicitors Remuneration Act 1881, has also assisted the process of curtailment, for there is now little or no connection between the length of a deed and the cost of its preparation. So long as the draftsm an adheres to recognized legal phraseology and to the well settled methods of carrying out legal operations, there is no reason why modern

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