Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Sixth Sense Essay -- essays papers

The Sixth Sense The Sixth Sense, directed and written by M. Night Shyamalan, follows the troubled life of eight-year-old Cole Sear, played by Haley Joel Osment, who is haunted by his supernatural abilities to see and communicate with the dead. Being sought after by the disturbed spirits of his hometown of Philadelphia, Cole must reconcile this frightening power with his desperate desire to be normal. Growing more isolated from his helpless mother and distrustful of his peers in school, Cole soon encounters child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crow (Bruce Willis), who is led by obsessive ambitions, although weakened by the thought of his neglected wife. Still, Malcolm represents the only hope for dissolving the horror and restoring sanity. The main character would have to be Dr. Malcolm Crow played by Bruce Willis. Early on in the story is attacked by a former patient. The experience leaves him traumatized, and lost. Something inside him has died. Dr. Crow feels the only way to redeem himself for failing to help that former patient is to somehow find a way to help Cole. Wearing in a dull gray suit, he brings a sadness to his character’s detachment that supports the entire production. The movie The Sixth Sense is made in a very unconventional way. The end really changes the sequence of the movie. The end of the movie finally makes the whole movie understandable. There is a very strange flow in the sequence of the plot. In my opinion, the very last scene should have bee...

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